Inspiring and Motivating | March Squadie of the Month

Happy Thursday Squadies! Today I will be announcing our MARCH SUPER SQUADIE! This past month’s super squadie started their Lean Journey in August of 2020 and has been absolutely crushing it ever since! This squadie is:

Tony Leal!

When the pandemic hit, Tony started working from home and spending a lot of time outside. He found opportunity in this difficult time through long walks, podcasts and changing his perspective on life.

Tony first discovered LEANSQUAD through a friend who had been sharing her weight loss journey as a Squadie on Instagram! Her journey inspired him so he began following the LEANSQUAD Instagram page.

Once summer began winding down, he needed to find another outlet for burning off all the energy he was building up from working at a desk for 9-11 hours each day. So Tony decided to join LEANSQUAD in August of 2020!

He started his journey with a 30 Day Lean Challenge, then moved into the 6 Week Lean Challenges, which he has been doing ever since. Tony is now through 8 phases and continues to inspire and motivate others to this day!

His perspective on life has changed, where he realizes the importance of enjoying some whoopsies, but also hopping right back on the Lean Train and taking baby steps forward each and every day. Tony is an active member in the Squadie community and does a fantastic job at motivating and encouraging others in their journey!

Tony is truly a LEAN STAR through his commitment, hard-work and positive outlook on life! Thank you for being a leanspiration to us all and continue being you!

Read more about Tony's LEAN JOURNEY below, and click here to watch his video!

Name: Tony Leal

Age: 46

Hometown: Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Category Management Consultant

When did you join LEANSQUAD?

August 2020

How many challenges have you completed thus far?

2 x 30 Day Challenges (August 2020 & Leanmas December 2020) and 4 x 6 Week Challenges.

What’s your biggest success as a part of LEANSQUAD?

The little wins that we achieve after each workout that motivate me to look forward to the next day/workout. That win could be a physical one, mental one, or a combination of both that is a bonus. Baby steps forward in a positive direction is how I approach my journey.

Favourite Lean Meal?

Don’t have any specific favourite meal unless it involves a side of steak on the BBQ. Just a lover of food in general.

Favourite Whoopsie?

Crushing a jar of natural peanut butter with nothing else then a spoon. The stirring alone from the oil separation can be a workout on its own.

Number One LEANSQUAD tip to share?

Don’t be afraid to try. Any win is a bonus and any failure is an opportunity for a future win that will mean more to you in the long run.

What would you say to someone who is about to start their Lean Journey? 

Don’t be afraid of failure because it will happen eventually, but don’t be afraid to learn from it. Hurdles will always happen because life happens. Do your best for that day and look forward to the next day with an open mind.

Favourite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?

I have a local restaurant called “Hot Rocks”. It’s Italian cuisine, but all of the food is prepared in a stone oven where you see an employee feeding firewood into the oven. Also, a great selection of wines to look through and pick.

If you want to follow in Tony's footsteps, start your Lean Journey today by clicking here!


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