Strong and Resilient | June Squadie of the Month

Happy Tuesday Squadies! Today I will be announcing our JUNE SUPER SQUADIE! This past month’s super squadie started their Lean Journey in February of 2021 and has been absolutely Leanmazing throughout her challenges! This squadie is:

Yannicke Floyd!

After experiencing 3 miscarriages, learning that her father was diagnosed with cancer, and with her mother in and out of the hospital, Yannicke was going through a world of adversity! She also received the news that she had high cholesterol. 

As a result, Yannicke made the decision to live a more active lifestyle. She focused on working out and being mindful around her nutrition but she was unable to find a routine that was sustainable and kept her motivated.

Yannicke later lost her father to cancer and 5 months later her mother to COVID-19. All the adversity made her realize how important her health really was. She wants to be there for and experience life with her two daughters for as long as possible!

This is when Yannicke decided to sign up for the 30 Day Lean Challenge! She has since been through 4 phases and has now begun her journey along the 6 Week Lean Challenge Program. Yannicke continues to be a constant source of motivation and inspiration for everyone!

She has been through a transformational journey both physically and mentally! Yannicke has seen incredible results and just feels better overall! She is able to play with her daughters all day and be the best version of herself for her family and friends! Yannicke's strong and resilient traits are contagious to other Squadies in the community and shine through with every message she shares!

Yannicke is the epitome of a LEAN STAR through her hard-work, resilience and dedication to her health and well-being! Thank you for being a leanspiration to us all and continue being you!

Read more about Yannicke's LEAN JOURNEY below, and click here to watch her video!

Name: Yannicke Floyd

Age: 36

Hometown: Rockland, ON (Ottawa region)

Occupation: Early Childhood Educator

When did you join LEANSQUAD?

I joined Leansquad in February 2021 and so happy I did!

How many challenges have you completed thus far?

I am in my 5th challenge and proud of it!

What’s your biggest success as a part of LEANSQUAD?

Definitely my all around wellness.  I suffer from anxiety and working out with Leansquad has extremely helped with my mental health. I sleep better at night, I have more energy during the day, I feel stronger, happier and healthier. I am a better version of myself for my family and for the first time in my life, I can say, that I am starting to feel good in my own skin!

Favourite Lean Meal?

I enjoy anything with Chicken and veggies. Lately, my family and I are obsessed with Phil's sweet potato nachos and the Instapot lemon chicken.

Favourite Whoopsie?

This girl likes her coffee!!! So any sweet yummy coffee, soft ice cream or Dark chocolate are always a nice treat!

Number One LEANSQUAD tip to share?

Focus on just doing YOUR best! What is hard for you, is lean for you! Do not compare your best with others...everyone's journey is different!

What would you say to someone who is about to start their Lean Journey? 

Simply committing to this journey is a huge accomplishment in itself. You are going to be so proud of yourself and come out of it healthier, happier and more confident. The whole Leansquad community is there with support. You got this!

Favourite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?

My favorite lean restaurant is when my hubby cooks a meal!  Honestly, we don't eat out often so when we do, I enjoy some not so lean Subway or East Side Mario's.

If you want to follow in Yannicke's footsteps, start your Lean Journey today by clicking here!


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