Happy March Squadies! It is that time of the month — it is time to announce our SUPER SQUADIE!!

First of all, If you DIDN’T have a chance to check out last month’s Super Squadie, CLICK HERE to check out KEITH BROWNING LEAN-Credible Transformation!!

It has been a LONG and SNOWY February! Living in Toronto, sometimes being stuck inside because of all the stormy weather can be discouraging, but not for our super Squadie JENNY! Jenny was able to take this gloomy winter and turn it into LEAN-TER instead! Since the beginning of her journey, Jenny has been dedicated and passionate working towards her fitness goals and making some LEANMAZING progress!

This month, we wanted to thank our March Super Squadie for being so LEAN-SPIRATIONAL and showing us that if you are DETERMINED and DRIVEN, nothing can get in the way of your lean journey, NOT EVEN Toronto’s stormy weather these past couple of months!

Jenny is currently working on Lean Phase 3 of the 90 Day Lean Plan and is continuing to inspire us EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Read more about her LEAN JOURNEY BELOW and watch her video


Q1-Q4: Name, age, hometown, occupation

Name: Jenny Stranges

Age: 28

Hometown: Toronto, ON

Occupation: Non-profit Communications

Q5: When did you join LEANSQUAD?

December 2018

Q6: Which phase are your currently on?

Lean Phase 3

Q7: What’s your biggest success as a part of the LEANSQUAD?

Definitely the confidence I’ve gained! I’m more confident in myself, my way around a gym, and my fitness capabilities. It’s so exciting seeing my progress each week! And being down 10 pounds is a huge plus!

This is Jenny’s flat bread pizza?Mmm looking yummy… and LEAN of course!

Q8: What’s your favourite LEAN Meal?

Honestly, it is so hard to choose! The meals are all flavour-packed and filling! I love the flatbread pizza, buff-chicken & ranch lettuce wraps, chicken pizza, and pepper ground beef nachos!

Q9: What’s your favourite Whoopsie?

Pizza and red wine, always!

Q10: What’s your number 1 LEANSQUAD tip to share?

So cheesy, but if you “fail to plan, plan to fail!” I think most of my success on the program has been a result of being fully invested in the plan and committed to having a leaner, healthier life.

  1. When I start a new phase, I review the workouts the night before by watching the linked videos. It helps knowing what I’m getting myself into and that way I’m keeping the pace up.
  2. I set out all my workout clothes the night before and fill up my water bottle and have it ready in the fridge, that way there’s no excuses.
  3. I charge my phone in my bathroom, so when my alarm goes off at 6am, I have to get up!
  4. I plan out my meals and do a big lean shop on the weekends, and spend Sunday doing a lean prep.
  5. I started a “LeanSquad” folder in my phone and I add photos of me at the gym, lean meals I make, and photos of the scale. It’s motivating to look back and see my progress.
  6. I check off my workouts on a calendar so I can see my commitment (who doesn’t love a gold star?!).

Q11: What would you say to someone who is about to start their lean journey?

Congratulations! You are worth the investment! Be patient with yourself and the process. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but step by step you will build new habits that turn into a lifestyle. It’s the best feeling!

Q12: What’s your favourite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?


Q13: Do you have a lean-cipe you’d like to share?

NuPasta, Tomato Sauce, Meatballs! So tasty!

I’d like to give a big thank you to Jenny for answering all our questions for us! Keep up all the great work you have been doing the past couple months! I am SUPER excited to see you CRUSH your next lean phase!

If you haven’t had a chance, check out our new cooking show: COOKING LEANNESS! Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel because we’re going to be releasing a new one each week!!


Chocolatey Smooth-Lean REFUEL Bowl


Intermittent Fasting: How to Curb your Hunger