Chocolatey Smooth-Lean REFUEL Bowl

Chocolatey Smooth-lean REFUEL bowl

Happy Monday Squadies!!

With spring around the corner, it’s finally time to start making some refreshing cool leancipes! This chocolaty smoothie bowl is sure to cool you down after a workout plus refuel and replenish your body! Oh ya, and you will only need 10 minutes to prep this bowl!!!

One of the BEST parts about a smoothie bowl is that it is so versatile! In most smoothie bowls, you can remove or replace whichever ingredients you want to make the bowl to your liking!! For example, in this Chocolatey Lean-Refuel Smoothie Bowl, the peanut butter can be easily replaced by any other nut butter, such as almond butter or cashew butter. You could also add some PB2 (powder protein peanut butter) if you want to make your smoothie extra peanutty! As for the granola, you can generally use any type of granola you’d like, however, just be cautious of the sugar content, because many granolas have a TON of Sugar!

The bananas can be frozen or fresh, but to make your smoothie bowl thicker and creamier, frozen bananas are preferred. If you don’t have any frozen bananas, you can always add some ice cubes to help thicken the consistency of the bowl.

*Lean Tip: Typically, for a smoothing bowl, we want to have a much thicker consistency to our bowl than a regular smoothie!

For a little added protein punch and some bonus nutrients, I added Chocolate Protein (Isolate), Collagen, and Maca powder to my smoothie bowl. If you do not have chocolate protein, you can use plain or vanilla protein with a couple spoons of cacao powder. (1) Protein is a MUST after a workout as it is super important to help refuel & feed your muscles. (2) Additionally, collagen has so many health benefits and is it perfect to add into any smoothie recipe. Not only does it help with muscle refuel and recovery, but it can also help any aching joints, as well as skin issues such as acne, cellulite or skin elasticity. (3) Finally, Maca powder is super nutritious, helps boost our energy and mood while containing many vitamins and minerals that our bodies need on a daily basis.

The bowl is super tasty, super nutritious, and is perfect for after a tough workout! Like all of our Refuel meals, this Smoothie bowl is higher in carbohydrates that most of our Lean Meals. This means that it is BEST consumed AFTER a workout when our muscles need extra carbohydrates to refuel and recover! It is super important to give your muscles the fuel they need at the right times of day! Give this Chocolately Smooth-LEAN refuel bowl a try after your next workout and let me know what you think!!

As always, come cook (or blend lol!!) along with me in this week’s episode of COOKING LEANNESS!! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL and let me know what you think about Cooking Leanness!!




Here’s how to make it:

LEAN-GREDIENTS (4 Servings):

  • 2 bananas (frozen or fresh)

  • ⅓ cup almond milk

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter (or Almond butter)

  • 2 tbsp or 1 scoop chocolate protein (Whey or Isolate) powder

  • 2 scoops collagen

  • 2 tbsp maca powder


  • Half a banana, sliced

  • ¼ cup granola

  • Chia seeds (to taste)

  • Peanut butter (drizzled)


  1. Put all smoothie ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Consistency should be creamy and thick, should not be too liquidy.

  2. Pour smoothie into bowl and add toppings, drizzle peanut butter (or Almond butter), and serve!


No Gym? No Problem!
