How to Stay Motivated to Exercise

Happy Wednesday Squadies! Are you finding it hard to stick to a fitness routine? Today, I am going to give you some of my tips on how to stay motivated to exercise.

Get Started

This first tip is something that helps me tremendously each and every day! Getting started and taking that first step is SO important in whatever it is that we do. 

Whether it is starting that big project at work or starting your new fitness journey, taking that first step can make all the difference! That could mean getting started on a workout and only doing 5 minutes, but those 5 minutes are better than had you not started at all!

Some days I wake up and feel a bit sluggish and lazy, but I know that when I get started and take action on exercising, I start to feel more energized and get into a productive flow for the rest of my day.

More often that not, action does not come from motivation, rather motivation comes from taking action.

Stay Accountable

Having some sort of accountability marker in place can be a great way of staying motivated to exercise. When we tell someone we are going to do something, we tend to place more value on actually getting that thing done. 

When exercising, try to find a workout buddy or accountability partner to keep you on track. You will begin noticing a new source of motivation because you don’t want to let down your buddy!

Each of my challenges has an accountability component built into it. When you join a challenge, you receive access to an exclusive squadie community in Slack. You automatically have 100’s of lean workout buddies by your side on Day 1. The more engaged you are, the more accountable you feel!

Try to implement some form of accountability into your life, and as a byproduct, you will naturally feel more motivated! Start your next Lean Challenge on the LEANSQUAD App and get a 7 Day FREE Trial! Click here to sign up and start your Lean Journey today!

Revisit Your Why

When in doubt, go back to your “why”. Why we do something is one of, if not the strongest motivator we have at our disposal.

For me, I show up everyday and exercise so I can feel my best in order to be the best dad and husband for my family. This is what gets me out of bed in the morning and pushes me to be my best self.

For you, it may be the same or it could be to train for a sport, feel younger, or just live a healthier lifestyle. Whatever it is, make sure it is strong enough to keep you motivated each day.

So there you have it squadies, those are some of my best tips on how to stay motivated to exercise. 

Check out some of our Super Squadie’s stories and learn more about how they stay motivated on their Lean Journey!

Lean Dad and Husband | January Squadie of the Month

Lean Mom of Two | February Squadie of the Month

If you want to follow in their footsteps, sign up for my next challenge and start your Lean Journey today!


The Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)


LEAN Mom of Two | February Squadie of the Month