Hey Squadies! Big week ahead for all of our romantics out there! If you don’t know what I am talking about

Hey Squadies! Big week ahead for all of our romantics out there! If you don’t know what I am talking about, Thursday is VALENTINES DAY (you’re welcome for the reminder!)?? I assume everyone has their plans ready to go by now…Flowers prepared, reservation (or menu set if you’re cooking!) booked and thoughtful card written??! If that sounds like you, I have the most LEANMAZING way to top it off, and if you’re a last minute person and haven’t prepared a whole bunch yet, then I have a sure-fire way to win the heart of your loved one!! 


I am sure you are no stranger to Chocolate Dipped Strawberries, but I bet you didn’t know we could make LEAN version without sacrificing taste and texture!! These are a great, romantic, way to end off your Valentine’s Day evening without a HUGE whoopsie! First of all, Strawberries are a great source of antioxidants which help cleanse your system of toxins and help you feel leanmazing!! Also, strawberries are a nice little help to boost your immune system and regulate your blood sugar! The Chocolate we dip is made from scratch, and is “Skinny Chocolate” which is sweetened with Stevia and has WAY less calories than your traditional chocolate! On another LEAN note, instead of using traditional icing to top off these Lean Low Carb Chocolate Dipped Strawberries which would be full of sugar, we created our own frosting with Sukrin Melis which is also sweetened with Stevia! Stevia is low in calories while still giving your sweet tooth what it wants!! It actually comes from a green leafy plan native to South America and it’s a LEAN-tastic replacement for any sugar cravings you might have!! 

Finally, these are SUPER easy to make! Don’t spend all your time in the kitchen this Valentines Day. After all, it is supposed to be a day where you spend time with you sweetheart, so fire these Lean Low Carb Chocolate Dipped Strawberries, have a Romantic Valentines Day, GUILT FREE!!

Oh, and also – feel free to cook along with me in Ep 5 of COOKING LEANNESS!!


Here’s how to make it:  



  • 6 Strawberries

Skinny Chocolate (Big batch)

  • 2.5 tablespoons Coconut oil

  • 1 tablespoon cocoa
  • 3/4 tablespoon of stevia
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 tablespoon of nuts (Bakers choice: pecans, almonds, walnuts etc)

Low Cal Frosting

  • 3 tablespoons Sukrin Melis (powder sugar substitute)
  • 2 ounces of Cream cheese (Softened)
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream


Skinny Chocolate

  1. In a small sauce pan, measure out and melt coconut oil. After coconut oil is melted, place in bowl.
  2. Next, add stevia, pinch of salt to heated coconut oil and stir until chocolate thickens
  3. If adding nuts, crush into small pieces and add to bowl. Stir mixture

Low Cal Frosting

  1. Mix sweetener with softened cream cheese. Add heavy cream and stir again until smooth

Lean Dip

  1. Pick up Strawberry by stem. Gently dip 3/4 of Strawberry into chocolate and place on baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Repeat for eat strawberry. Once complete, place baking sheet in fridge for 10 mins until chocolate hardens
  2. After chocolate hardens, pick up strawberry by stem and dip half strawberry into frosting. Repeat until all strawberry’s are complete and place in fridge for 10 mins
  3. Take out of fridge and ENJOY the LEANNESS

Give these Lean Low Carb Chocolate Dipped Strawberries a try and let me know what you think!!

OH YA! And make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL and let me know what you think about Cooking Leanness!!





We Tried Celery Juice