The LEANNEST One Pan Balsamic Chicken and Veggie Bake


(A Lean Prep DREAM)

Good afternoon Squadies, Professor Lean here and I have an afternoon class you DO NOT want to miss. Today, we have a 2 for 1 recipe: It is a 2 for 1 because not only does it taste LEANMAZING when you eat it right after cooking, but it tastes EQUALLY as good when you use it for Lean Prep during the week! For all those Squadies who are looking for a super easy, super tasty and super tasty meal option that can be used for the lunches/dinners for the following days, this is for you!!!!

?THE LEANNEST One Pan Balsamic Chicken and Veggie Bake!?

So it’s lean,

So it’s tasty,

So it’s super nutritious,

Did I mention this dish was SUPER easy to make?

The base of the dish is a nice LEAN protein which will fuel our muscles and help provide the nutrients to build that toned lean look we are after, while the vegetables, especially the broccoli (aka Lean Treez), are full of antioxidants and vitamins that will keep you feeling lean and healthy for days to come! To add flavor I used one of my favorite ingredients: Balsamic Vinegar. Not only is balsamic vinegar SUPER tasty, but it actually has some great healthy benefits as well! It has been shown to help digestion, reduce blood sugar, as well improve skin health over time! Finally, to top things off, I used some basic yet VERY effective seasonings to spice this dish up and get our metabolism (as well as our taste buds) firing!! Italian seasoning, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and a little bit of a salt and pepper sprinkled on top of the bake to make the flavours pop is all you need to make this One Pan Balsamic Chicken and Veggie Bake taste LEANMAZING!!

Make sure you cook along with me in this week’s episode of COOKING LEANNESS!! As always, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube Channel and let us know what you think about the recipes!!




Here’s how to make it:

LEAN-GREDIENTS (4 Servings):

  •  6 tablespoons basalmic vinegar

  • 1/2 cup LEAN (fat free) Italian dressing

  • 1.25 pounds of lean chicken breasts

  • 2 heads broccoli ? Lean TREEEEZ ?

  • 1 cup trip colour baby carrots?

  • 1/2 pint cherry tomatoes ?

  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

  • Salt and Pepper (to your liking)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F & spray baking sheet w/ non stick spray (or drizzle olive oil and massage around surface

  2.  Combine balsamic vinegar and Lean-talian dressing in a small mixing bowl.

  3. Slice up the chicken breasts into lean strips that resemble chicken tenders

  4. Place chicken and 1/3 of balsamic + lean-talian mixture in a Freezer size Ziploc bag (to marinate chicken) and put in the fridge. Let sit for at least 30 mins.

  5. Chop up the LEAN TREEZ into small pieces. Split the tri-coloured baby carrots in half

  6. Put the LEAN TREEZ and Split carrots onto the baking sheet. Add tomatoes. Season ‘em up with some lean-talian seasoning, olive oil, cayenne pepper, and salt and pepper.

  7. Place the tray in the oven. After 10-15 minutes, take the tray out and shift the veggies to either side of the tray. Place the marinated chicken tenders in the center. Layer another 1/3 of the balsamic + lean-talian mixture on top of the chicken.

  8. With the chicken now on the tray, place it back in the oven for another another 7-15 minutes depending on the size of your chicken.

    1. The cooking time will largely vary based on the size of your chicken

  9. After the chicken is cooked, layer the last 1/3 of the balsamic + lean-talian mixture on the chicken and vegetables.

  10. After the chicken is cooked, layer the last 1/3 of the balsamic + lean-talian mixture on the chicken and vegetables.

  11. ENJOY!!!

    **LEAN TIP – This is a great dish served over cauliflower rice!

OH YA! And make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL and let me know what you think about Cooking Leanness!!




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