Starbucks Drink Swaps: HOLIDAY EDITION 2021!

Hey Squadies!!

'Tis the season of Starbucks Christmas drinks which means it's time for some Lean Starbucks Christmas Hacks!
I think far too often people associate being healthy with restriction and giving up all the things they love.. like your favourite Starbucks drinks! The good and the lean news is this is definitely not the LEANSQUAD way. Instead, my number one mission every single day is to make being healthy a journey where we ENJOY LIFE MORE and believe me, this will be the case when you taste one of these Lean Starbucks drinks! The reason it's so much more enjoyable is because we avoid ALL of those excessive calories, and sugar WITHOUT sacrificing flavour!

You'll be able to enjoy your Starbucks Christmas drinks guilt free while avoiding upwards of the 300-400 calories and excessive amounts of sugar they usually contain. Drinks filled with calories and sugar like these are a huge reason as to why people not only gain weight but also why you might experience a miid day crash! Some of these drinks actually contain more calories than a big mac!
But have no fear!! We are going to make sure all of our Starbucks favs are lower in calories but just as tasty! If you are on your lean journey and/or are trying to get in shape, having these drinks often or on a regular basis can throw off your overall calorie intake, making it difficult for you to get the results you want! Rather than avoiding these delicious holiday drinks altogether, use my tips and tricks to make these LEAN lattes that contain lower calories, and less sugar, but still maintain that Leanmazing flavor.

Looking for additional LEANIFIED holiday recipes? check out my new LEANSQUAD App for more delicious and healthy meals!

These secret Starbucks menu drink orders are honestly life-changing and will ensure you avoid ANY unnecessary weight gain this holiday season while still enjoying all the Christmassy flavors!

Let’s take a look at 3 of my LEANIFIED Starbucks holiday drinks:

Peppermint Mocha

Original Latte:

  • Protein: 13g
  • Carbs: 63g
  • Fat: 15g
  • Sugar: 54g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Calories: 440 Cals

Leanified Latte:

  • Protein: 1g Carbs: 14g → save 49g!
  • Fat: 3g → save 12g!
  • Sugar: 12g → save 42g!
  • Fiber: 1g Calories: ONLY 100 cals → save 340 cals!

How to Leanify your order:

  1. Order a tall Americano in a grande cup
  2. ONE pump mocha
  3. ONE pump peppermint
  4. Asked for steamed almond milk
  5. Add 1-2 zero cal sweeteners


Chestnut Praline latte

Original Latte:

  • Protein: 12g
  • Carbs: 42g
  • Fat:13
  • Sugar: 39g
  • Calories: 330 Cals

Leanified Latte:

  • Protein: 1g → save 11g!
  • Carbs: 12g → save 30g!
  • Fat: 2g → save 11g!
  • Calories: ONLY 80 cals → save 260 cals!

How to Leanify your order:

  1. Order a Grande Cafe Misto
  2. Substitute almond milk
  3. Add 2 pumps of chestnut praline syrup
  4. Add one packet of Splenda (or 0 cal sweetener)
  5. Ask for chestnut praline topping on top

Caramel Brulee Iced Latte (cold brew)

Original Latte:

  • Protein: 13g
  • Carbs: 70g
  • Fat: 13g
  • Sugar: 47g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Overall calories: 450 cals

Leanified Latte:

  • Protein: 0g | Carbs: 10g → save 60g!
  • Fat: 4g → save 9g!
  • Sugar: 9g → save 40g!
  • Fiber: 0g Calories: ONLY80 cals → save 370 cals!

How to Leanify your order:

  1. Order a grande Cold brew
  2. ONE pump Caramel Brulee sauce
  3. THREE pumps sugar-free vanilla
  4. A SPLASH of cream

Here are a couple of additional tricks about how to LEANIFY your Starbucks drinks, whether you plan to enjoy one daily or just once this season:

  • Ditch the standard dairy: 

    The baristas use 2% milk as the default on all of the traditional mochas and lattes. Opting for nonfat milk or dairy-free almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk can trim a few calories and grams of fat.

  • Ask for fewer pumps:

    Cut calories and grams of sugar by choosing a sugar-free syrup or even ask for half as many pumps for a mild yet noticeable flavour boost!

  • Go without the whip:

    For hot drinks, ask for half the usual whip or no whip to trim between 80 and 110 calories, depending on the serving size and menu item. And for iced, a dollop of unsweetened cold foam, made with nonfat milk, is a lighter way to add a creamy element.

Don't forget to let me know which Starbucks drinks are your favorite? by tagging me in your social posts!


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