No Bake Chocolately Peanut Butter Bites

No Bake Chocolatey Peanut Butter Bites!

With Easter around the corner, we are seeing chocolate EVERYWHERE! Easter themed chocolate, eggs, bunnies, and baskets - you name it, there’s a chocolate for it! With all this chocolate advertised everywhere we go, it may be hard to resist! This weeks recipe is the PERFECT Easter chocolate substitute so you don’t have to resist! You can have your chocolate fix while staying LEAN! With only 4 INGREDIENTS, and no baking time, you can prepare these bites in less then 10 minutes! Set them in the fridge for 20 minutes, and they are ready to go!

Not only will these leanlicious treats fill your chocolate cravings, but can help with your peanut butter cravings too! Throw in some natural sweetener into it and you’ve got the perfect lean treat!

How is this possible?! Well, all ingredients I use are naturally flavoured, and have no added sweeteners. I used all natural peanut butter with no added sugar or salt. Stay away from your average peanut butter when making this recipe as they tend to contain tons of added sugars and salts which are NOT lean. For this recipe, the chocolate I chose to use, again, has no added sweeteners. All the sweetness you need will come from the maple syrup! I used Walden Farm’s maple syrup, which contains 0 CALORIES! It is naturally sweetened and contains no added sugars. Using a natural sweetener is a lot healthier and just as delicious as any kind of processed sweeteners!

Ultimately, processed sugars are hard to avoid when buying your average chocolate bar. The best way to avoid them is by making your own treats with all natural products! This way, you know exactly what is going into your treats. The best part?! Too many sugary treats can leave you feeling sluggish or bloated afterwards, with these lean treats, you can fill your sweet tooth without having to face all the side effects afterwards.

As always, come cook along with me in this week’s episode of LEAN LIVIN!! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL and let me know what you think about Lean Livin!!




Here’s how to make it:


  • 2 cups natural smooth peanut butter (no sugar or salt added)

  • ¾ cups coconut flour

  • ½ cup Walden’s Farms Maple Syrup

  • 2 cups sugar free dark chocolate chips


For the lean-structions, follow along with me on my LEAN LIVIN youtube video!




How to Lean-ify Easter


FOOLPROOF TIPS: Making Time for a Healthy Diet