May 2019: Squadie of the Month



Happy May Squadies! Once again, it is time to announce our SUPER SQUADIE for this month!

If you DIDN’T have a chance to check out last month’s Super Squadie, CLICK HERE to check out LEAH CONFORTI’S LEAN-Credible Transformation!!

For the month of May our Super Squadie is the LEAN-MAZING:


Eli got started on the #90DAYLEANPLAN in February 2019! With hard work and dedication, Eli was able to lose a LEAN-CREDIBLE 20lbs in his first 4 weeks on the plan! He made it through a month full of events and whoopsies - still seeing progress throughout! Eli is such an inspiration to myself and the Squadies, he is the PERFECT example - you can enjoy your whoopsies here and there, and then get back on the LEAN TRAIN and continue to smash the leanness! Eli is now on his 3rd phase of the lean plan (month 3) and is down a total of 28lbs!

We wanted to thank our May Super Squadie for being such a LEAN-SPIRATION! His positive energy and motivation towards living the lean life has truly been LEAN-MAZING and we are super glad to have you on our lean team!!

Read more about his LEAN JOURNEY BELOW and watch his video:


Q1-Q4: Name, age, hometown, occupation

Name: Eli Harris

Age: 30

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Occupation: Tech Sales

Q5: When did you join LEANSQUAD?

February 2019

Q6: Which phase are your currently on?

Lean Phase 3

Q7: What’s your biggest success as a part of the LEANSQUAD?

Down 28 lbs, down 5% body fat, and running under a 6 min mile.

Q8: What’s your favourite LEAN Meal?

Chicken Avocado Pesto Leanchinni!

Q9: What’s your favourite Whoopsie?

Carnitas Burrito

Q10: What’s your number 1 LEANSQUAD tip to share?

Don’t get down on yourself or worry about having a few whoopsies here and there. Hit the lean reset button by intermittent fasting and doing HIIT workouts and you will be right back on track.

Q11: What would you say to someone who is about to start their lean journey?

Jump right in! The hardest part is starting but once you do start you feel great and don’t want to stop! The plan is truly life changing and specifically built to your lifestyle.

Q12: What’s your favourite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?

Tacos Ameca (Taqueria in Bay Area)

If you haven’t had a chance, Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!! We release new content every week! Check out our latest video HERE





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