LEAN Dad and Husband | January Squadie of the Month

Happy Wednesday Squadies! Today I will be announcing our JANUARY SUPER SQUADIE! January's squadie of the month started their Lean Journey and never looked back! This squadie is...

Chris Chesbro!

Chris joined LEANSQUAD in late August of 2020 and has been crushing it ever since! In December of 2019, Chris became a father to his son Jasper. With the responsibilities of being a first-time dad and navigating life amidst a pandemic, Chris struggled to keep up with his physical health. In the past, he would run 4-5 times a week, cycle to work, and participate in triathlons and marathons. 

While on vacation with his brother, Chris was taken aback by Brandon’s leancredible body transformation! He also noticed that Brandon would disappear for about 40 minutes every day, and on about the fifth day he found out why. Brandon was sneaking off to complete his LEANSQUAD workouts! Chris joined Brandon for the next workout and he loved the contagious energy and encouragement that came along with it! After returning home from vacation, Brandon encouraged Chris to sign up for the 30 Day Challenge and he’s been a LEAN STAR ever since! He’s made his way through the 6 Week Challenges and is currently completing phases 5 & 6 along with hundreds of other squadies making lean changes in their lives!

Chris feels stronger both physically and mentally, especially in being a father and husband! The benefits from working out and healthy eating have allowed him to stay on top of the challenging, yet fulfilling moments of being the father of a 1-year-old. He is able to have enough energy to keep up with Jasper and carry him around the house for a lot longer! Mentally, Chris is able to stay present and enjoy life with his family!

Thank you Chris for being such a leanspiration to all of us and a dedicated squadie each and every day! You are the epitome of a Lean Star and I’m sure people will learn a lot and gain encouragement from your story!

Read more about Chris’s LEAN JOURNEY below, and click here or on his leanmazing transformation photo to watch his video!

Name: Chris Chesbro

Age: 35

Hometown: Portland, OR

Occupation: Director at Fertility Clinic

When did you join LEANSQUAD?

August 2020

How many challenges have you completed thus far?

One 30-Day Challenge, Two 6-Week Challenges, In my third 6-Week Challenge now

What’s your biggest success as a part of LEANSQUAD?

More Strength and Energy to keep up with my 1-year-old

Favorite Lean Meal?

Veggie Goat Cheese Omelet

Favorite Whoopsie?

Solid - Pop Pizza 
Liquid - Buoy IPA 

Number One LEANSQUAD tip to share?

Whatever is hard for you is LEAN for you. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else but you from yesterday. That is who you’re trying to outdo. This is a lifelong journey of self-care, so just take it step-by-step, push yourself, and enjoy the LEAN ride!

What would you say to someone who is about to start their Lean Journey? 

Enjoy it! Many of us give way more time than 30 mins to frivolous things… LeanSquad is 30 mins/day to your mental and physical health which is so important… so hang in there, you have a whole Squad behind you rooting you on and sweating alongside you!

Favorite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?

Bamboo Sushi - Portland, OR

If you have one, please submit a PERSONAL recipe that would be LEANSQUAD approved!!

Marinated Tofu: 

4 T Soy Sauce 
3 T Rice Vinegar 
1 T Maple Syrup 
1 t Sesame Oil
2 Garlic Cloves Minced 
1 T freshly grated ginger

16oz Extra Firm Tofu
2-3 T Neutral Oil 

1.) Combine marinade ingredients (marinate up to a day)
2.) Press Tofu for 15 mins
3.) Cut tofu into cubes 
4.) Fry tofu in neutral oil without marinade 
5.) Pour marinade over tofu after cooked 

Pair with rice and other stir-fried vegetables (broccoli, bell pepper, zucchini, etc…)

If you want to try and catch up to Chris, start your Lean Journey today by clicking here!




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