July 2019: Squadie(s) of the Month!





Happy July Squadies! Once again, it is time to announce our SUPER SQUADIE for this month!

If you DIDN’T have a chance to check out last month’s Super Squadie, CLICK HERE to check out JENNIFER SMART’s LEAN-Credible Transformation!!

For the month of July, we don’t have 1 Super Squadie BUT a VERY LEAN 2 SUPER SQUADIES!


Both Molly and Rob began their #90DAYLEANPLAN in April 2019! They have JUST completed the final phase 3, and are moving on to phase 4, the start of the continuation plan! Both Molly and Rob have had a LEANCREDIBLE transformation and are looking and feeling LEANMAZING! They have been an leanspiration to myself and the LEANSQUAD community! Both their transformations individually and their lean journey as a team have been inspiring! Throughout his journey, Rob has been SUPER successful in bringing that lean balance into play, working out and eating lean even while traveling for work! Molly was able to PUSH THROUGH all the things that were holding her back and fully commit to HERSELF and feeling leancredible in her own skin! Both Molly and Rob have been PUMPED to take on whatever lean challenge came at them next, the best part?! They DID IT TOGETHER helping each other to stay motivated and continue to push the lean limits!

We wanted to thank our July Super Squadies for being such a LEAN-SPIRATION! Both of you have showed us that team work makes the dream work! You can work together to accomplish your own personal fitness goals while growing stronger and fitter as a couple! Thank you for showing us that with hard work and dedication, you can reach your goals!

Read more about their LEAN JOURNEY BELOW and watch their video:


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaDzLCNXP34[/embedyt]


Q1-Q4: Name, age, hometown, occupation

Names: Molly & Rob Dorran


Molly: 34

Rob: 42


Molly: Currently — Toronto, ON (however I am originally from Winnipeg, MB and lived in Calgary for 16 years)

Rob: Currently — Toronto. ON (We also call Calgary home too!)


Molly: Paediatric Registered Nurse

Rob: Corporate Finance: Vice President, Investor Relations

Q5: When did you join LEANSQUAD?

April 2019

Q6: Which phase are your currently on?

Finishing Lean Phase 3 and getting set for Phase 4!

Q7: What’s your biggest success as a part of the LEANSQUAD?

Molly: LEANSQUAD has been life changing for me. I have felt uncomfortable in my skin for so long, and never more so than after having my son 9 months ago. I always wanted to feel strong and healthy and energetic, but something was always holding me back. I never thought I would be able to stick with a program that would help me to feel great in my body, but LEANSQUAD changed that for me. I am most proud of myself for committing and seeing such great results, not just physically, but also mentally. I have energy and feel strong. I am proud of this body that could not only make a baby, but now feel and look better than I ever have.

Rob: Lost 24 lbs, dropped a couple pant sizes, but most importantly made a change in my fitness and eating routines. It’s been great to wear clothes that haven’t fit in ages, but I also need to buy new suits, pants, jeans and shorts now! Good problems to have.

Q8: What’s your favourite LEAN Meal?

Molly: LEANSQUAD introduced me to the ease and deliciousness of zucchini noodles! I was really skeptical at first, but fell in love. I really love the turkey meatballs with zucchini noodles. The Low Carb Shephard Pie is an insanely close second though.

Rob: Pumpkin pancakes with almond butter and fat-free maple syrup.

Q9: What’s your favourite Whoopsie?

Molly: This is a tough one… wine, sushi and chocolate all tie.

Rob: I never met a whoopsie I didn’t like, but my go-tos are white wine, beer and anything sweet!

Q10: What’s your number 1 LEANSQUAD tip to share?

Molly: Stock that fridge and prep your lean meals! If the food isn't there and ready, we are way more likely to chose something sugary and processed. Maybe it might mean a few more trips to the grocery store and a bit more time in the kitchen, but always having something there to reach for has been key for us

Rob: Set yourself up for success by ensuring you have meals prepped, a plan on when to eat your meals, plan your workout times, and make a commitment to execute your plan.

Q11: What would you say to someone who is about to start their lean journey?

Molly: Commit and drink the Koolaid (or the proverbial ‘lean-aid’) Add the word “lean” into your vocabulary and take pride in your commitment to LEANSQUAD. Tell your friends and family, take pictures, buy shirts, post on social media; whatever it looks like for you, do it. And the things about the program that you might be skeptical about, or doubt your ability to do, just try them! I was really nervous about intermittent fasting; I thought I would never be able to do it and wouldn't have enough energy for workouts. But then I set aside my negative mindset about it and tried it, and now I fast between 14-16 hours almost every day and it feels great! I actually have MORE energy when I do my workouts fasted!

Rob: Sign up today and don’t delay. I held off on joining Lean Squad for at least a year, and I regret not starting sooner. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to stick with the plan, the plan would be too restrictive for my lifestyle. I have worked out in hotel rooms, hotel gyms good and bad, and kept up with Lean Squad, attending a stag in Prague, enjoying the Leafs and Raptors playoff runs, travelling for work and enduring 10 days of Stampede. You can live your life and still get great results through Lean Squad.

Q12: What’s your favourite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?

Molly: I really like Mary Be and Impact Kitchen here in Toronto. They both have a lot of great carb free options that don't make you feel like you are missing out or having to make a compromise on flavour. It’s just clean and simple food! There are a lot of restaurants in every city that prioritize clean food (like these two) and make it easy to stick to your lean plan, even while eating out.

Rob: Mary Be Kitchen

Q13: If you have one, please submit a PERSONAL recipe that would be LEANSQUAD approved!!!

Molly & Rob: Rob and I love Mexican food so I made a really easy:

Chicken Fajita Lettuce Wraps recipe!


  • 2 large Boneless Skinless Chicken breasts (cut into strips)

  • 1 yellow onion (sliced)

  • 1 green pepper (sliced into strips)

  • 1 red/orange pepper (sliced into strips)

  • Head of romaine lettuce with leaves separated out

  • Shredded light tex mex cheese

  • Salsa

  • Cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper (all to taste)

  • Plain greek yogurt


  • Toss the chicken with spices to suit your tastes!

  • Over medium high heat, heat olive oil and then add chicken to sear the chicken strips

  • After 5 min or so add the onions to the pan, tossing to coat with the chicken spices as well. Then after the onions begin to cook add your peppers and sear the whole dish until the peppers are soft and onions slightly charred.

  • Arrange 3 large romaine lettuce leaves on a plate and pile on the chicken and vegetable mixture. Top with cheese, salsa and a dollop of plain green yogurt!

Q14: What’s your favourite thing about getting LEAN with your partner!?

Molly: Doing this together is a huge part of our success! Having my husband as my lean buddy has kept me accountable and kept me motivated! I do the vast majority of our lean food prep, so sometimes when I want to slack, knowing I am doing it for the both of us helps keep me on track. He also motivates me to work harder in the gym because he always prioritizes his workouts. We have gone on multiple vacations with lots of whoopsies, but he always encourages me to start each lean day new and fresh and get that workout in and not get down on myself. I am so proud of the results we have achieved together and his dedication makes me work that much harder. Even if you don't have a partner you live with, find yourself a lean buddy! Find a friend to do LEANSQUAD with or even reach out on social media to a fellow squadie!! Having someone to motivate you and inspire you to keep going will make the journey that much more rewarding.

Rob: A big part of my success has been doing Lean Squad with Molly. She’s a phenomenal cook and I’ve been fortunate she prepares most of the meals, which sets us both up for success. We motivate and support each other, and it’s great to enjoy our success together.

If you haven’t had a chance, Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!! We release new content every week! Check out our latest video HERE


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82To4UCu7Dg[/embedyt]


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