Healthy Work From Home Habits

Hey Squadies, With quarantine keeping us all at home, you may find yourself having to work from home for the first time! I know making the adjustment can be difficult, but luckily, I have been working from home for some time now and have learned healthy habits that keep me feeling great and productive while at home. I wanted to share my top tips with you so you can have awesome days and do your best work from the comfort of your own home!

Create A Dedicated Workspace:

You might initially enjoy the freedom of being able to work from your couch or bed, but this is a trap Squadies! Creating a home office will serve you well during this quarantine and in adjusting to working remotely. With being home all day, it is so important to have a dedicated workspace so your mind can make the shift into work mode when it’s time to get down to business. Keep the couch for enjoying your favourite Netflix shows and your home office for working. This habit has really helped me to get tasks done and stay on track with my work despite not going into a “real” office every day.

Stick To A Routine:

Squadies, I can’t tell you home important creating and sticking to a routine has been for me when working from home. With newborn twins, managing a business and prioritizing my health, my routine has been my saviour! With a shortened commute, now from your bedroom to home office, you may find yourself wanting to sleep in. However, I really recommend that you stick to a consistent sleeping schedule. Waking up early throughout this quarantine has helped me to stay disciplined and given me a sense of control during these uncertain times. Also, it will give you more time in the day to focus on your other priorities like getting in shape! Waking up early and moving your body for just 20-30 minutes with the #30DayQuaranleanchallenge will help you feel so energized and accomplished for the rest of your day.

Focus On Your Nutrition:

Working from home, you may find yourself browsing through your pantry and feeling like snacking a little more often than usual. In these uncertain times, it is so easy to let our stress get the best of us and fall into lazy and unhealthy eating habits. Setting regular eating times for your meals can really help with portion control and avoiding over-eating. It is so important that you fuel your body with healthy and nutritious foods to keep you super productive when working from home. In the #30DayQuaranleanchallenge, I have put together 40 of my favourite recipes for you that are incredibly tasty and lean, like this sugar free Twix bar. You can avoid the nutrition slip that working from home may cause by using my easy to follow meal and snack recipes. Eating healthy will keep you feeling motivated and improve your immune system, allowing you to smash your workdays from home! FOR LEANTASTIC CUSTOMIZED MEALS YOU CAN MAKE AT HOME AND CUSTOMIZED WORKOUTS YOU CAN DO AT HOME, CHECK OUT the #30DayQuaranleanchallenge


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