Woah Squadies!! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a LEANMAZING weekend and enjoyed some family time, got some rest, had some (lean) fun, and maybe watched a little bit of the Academy Awards!! As many of you know, I have been in Florida for the past couple of weeks catching some Lean-Rays and celebrating Brodie’s 30th Birthday! We had great time (I think Hudson is now officially obsessed with Icecream) and even though I was out of my usual routine, I was able to keep it lean by using all my LEAN TRAVEL TIPS!!

Most times, when the weather is nice, the LAST place I want to be is INDOORS at the stove cooking up food! I much prefer to be outside, be active, or be with Brodie and Hudson (Ideally, being outside, and being active WITH Brodie and Hudson would be best hehe??) SO! When I was in Florida this past week, I whipped up..


Kimichi sometimes gets bad reputation as an unhealthy option, but prepared and cooked the right way, it is just fermented vegetables which are FULL of nutrients! Also, Kimchi is really good for your gut health, and a rich source of vitamins which will have you feeling Lean all day long! In addition to the Kimchi, this leancipe has one of my other favorite lean staples: Cauliflower Rice. If you’re not on the Cauliflower Rice bandwagon yet… stop everything you’re doing, go to the grocery store, whizz by the frozen section and pick up your 1-way ticket to leanness (Cauliflower rice). In my opinion, it is the BEST LEAN replacement for rice or potatoes while still giving you that “satisfied” feeling after you eat! I used the cauliflower rice as the base for my dish, scrambled some eggs, and then topped it with my Kimchi!! Super easy, Super Tasty, AND SUPER LEAN!! To finish things off, I used a liberal portion of Siracha to add a little heat to the dish and rev up my metabolism while a couple teaspoons of soy sauce added some extra flavour!

Oh, and finally, the best part about this dish is that the ENTIRE recipe only took me 20 minutes to make!

SO LEAN and SO QUICK. Find a better duo…

Make sure you cook along with me in this week’s episode of COOKING LEANNESS!! As always, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube Channel and let us know what you think about the recipes!!


Here’s how to make it:

LEAN-GREDIENTS (4 Servings):

  • 2 Cloves of Garlic

  • 1 Cup of Carrots (1-2 Carrots). Chopped

  • 1 cup of Frozen Peas

  • 1 bag of Cauliflower Rice

  • 1 Jar of Kimchi (1-2 cups)

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tbsp of Sesame Oil

  • 2 tbsp of Sriracha (or a little more if you want some extra heat)

  • 2 tbsp of Soy Sauce


  1. Chop up the Carrots and Garlic into small chunks

  2. Drizzle 2 tbsp of sesame oil in saucepan over medium heat

  3. After the pan is hot, add in the Chopped Carrots, Garlic and 1 cup of Frozen Peas.

  4. Let the mixture cook for 2-3 minutes.

  5. While the carrots, peas, and garlic are cooking, chop up 1 Jar of Kimchi

  6. Add full bag of frozen cauliflower rice to the pan and stir for 2 minutes.

  7. Once the Cauliflower Rice separates and begins to soften, add chopped up Kimchi and cook for 8-12 minutes

  8. Add 3-4 tbsps of soy sauce and healthy dollop of Sriracha sauce for some extra SPICE! Mix

  9. Finally, add 2 tbsp of sesame oil 2 eggs to the sauce pan. Scramble the eggs and once at desired consistency, serve hot!


**This is a GREAT option for Lean Prep!

OH YA! And make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL and let me know what you think about Cooking Leanness!!



Intermittent Fasting: A Beginners Guide


How to turn your VACATION, into a LEAN-CATION!! - Travel & Holiday Tips