Full Body Workout Post-Pregnancy

Happy Wednesday Squadies! After giving birth to twins, it shouldn't come as any surprise that Brodie's body went through an unbelievable amount of changes over the past year. Carrying twins, Brodie’s body had to put a ton of energy into the babies, making sure they grew into the beautiful and healthy boys we now have in our lives. Despite all of the challenges that come with giving birth to twins, Brodie was able to bounce back incredibly quick! Today I am going to share with you Bodies journey through pregnancy - how she stayed healthy during her pregnancy and how she was able to bounce back into the fit and healthy mama she is today! I will also be sharing a Full Body Workout Post-Pregnancy!

pregnancyDuring Pregnancy

 While pregnant, since she was carrying twins, it was hard for Brodie to get much physical activity in. She needed to reserve most of her energy for the babies - plus she had limited mobility due to the size of her belly! Compared to her first pregnancy, her ability to stay active was severely limited! Instead, she focused on eating healthy during AND after her pregnancy. Keeping healthy eating habits has had a huge impact on her post-pregnancy transformation and has allowed her to gradually get back into working out and exercising quicker.  

Why Workout Postpartum?

Getting back into a post-pregnancy workout routine is important for so many reasons. It helps boost your energy levels (which are almost guaranteed to be depleted *especially after twins!*), levels out your hormones, and increases confidence. HOWEVER, it is equally important that you EASE back into your workouts due to everything your body has endured over the past year.This is exactly what Brodie did. After giving birth to our twin boys she EASED back into working out with her post-pregnancy workouts.  

Important things to keep in mind post pregnancy brodie post pregnancy

  • The first and most important thing is, make sure you get the all-clear from your health care provider. I know you might be itching to get back to your favourite workout, but you will want to wait until your 6-week postpartum exam. If you had a C-section your recovery will most likely be a bit longer and you probably won't return to moderate exercise until around 8 weeks. 
  • When you get that green light to exercise, start slow. Your body will not be ready for a hardcore workout for a while, so pace yourself, you got this, you will be back soon enough. 
  • You are your own awesome person! You don’t need to compare yourself to other people, your recovery will be different from theirs and that’s okay. If you need help focusing on your own comeback, set yourself some simple goals and celebrate every time you reach one.
  • Listen to your body, if an exercise is causing the wrong kind of discomfort modify or skip it. You will have plenty of time to go for that new personal best but right now it’s about caring for yourself.

“Did you realize that you are a champion..?” During the last year, you have been tracking a lot of milestones and you have successfully made it to another one, so well done. Be proud of yourself, the journey might have its challenges but you will get there.

and lastly…WELCOME BACK! 


Postpartum workout!

Brodie and I are so excited to share her DAY 1 POST PREGNANCY workout routine. This full body workout, post-pregnancy  is only 12 minutes long and all bodyweight - perfect to do while your babies are napping! Likewise, this post-pregnancy at home workout is diastasis recti safe (however, if you do feel pain DO NOT push through). This is an example of how you can ease back into your post-pregnancy workouts and build towards transforming your body and your mental health![embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PROCnhUaww[/embedyt] 



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