April 2019: Super Squadie of the Month



Happy April Squadies! It is that time of the month again — it is time to announce our SUPER SQUADIE!!

First of all, If you DIDN’T have a chance to check out last month’s Super Squadie, CLICK HERE to check out JENNY STRANGES LEAN-Credible Transformation!!



Leah got 2019 started off RIGHT!! She began her lean journey in January and with heard work and motivation in only 3 months, Leah has made LEANMAZING progress towards her fitness and nutrition goals! Since the beginning of her journey, Although she had a busy schedule, Leah was still able to stay motivated and keep going; Your hard work is definitely paying off!

We wanted to thank our April Super Squadie for being such a LEAN-SPIRATION and showing us that no matter how much you have on your plate, you can still accomplish your goals by staying inspired and motivated!

Leah is currently working on Lean Phase 4 of her Lean Plan and is continuing to inspire us EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Read more about her LEAN JOURNEY BELOW and watch her video


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLay9ODMkqs[/embedyt]


Q1-Q4: Name, age, hometown, occupation

Name: Leah Conforti

Age: 29

Hometown: Calgary, AB

Occupation: High School Athletic Director and PE/Sports Performance Teacher

Q5: When did you join LEANSQUAD?

January 2019

Q6: Which phase are your currently on?

Lean Phase 4

Q7: What’s your biggest success as a part of the LEANSQUAD?

I was able to lose weight that I wanted to while also becoming leaner and more toned. I was able to do this without being inhibited by old knee injuries which had been preventing me from getting back into working out regularly. I had previously been extremely fit and diligent in the gym when I was still playing rugby. After I stopped playing, dealt with some injuries, and was making other things a priority, I stopped working out and going to the gym which had been a big part of my life. Lean Squad allowed me to find my love for fitness and working out again and was exactly what I needed to get back to feeling like myself both physically and mentally.

Q8: What’s your favourite LEAN Meal?

Turkey Burgers and Carrot Slaw

Q9: What’s your favourite Whoopsie?


Q10: What’s your number 1 LEANSQUAD tip to share?

-Being organized made it very easy to be successful

-Be organized with grocery shopping and meal prepping so that it’s easy to make health choices and properly fuel your body

-Be organized with your workouts by knowing how much time you need, having equipment ready, having your timers set up using the “Seconds App” (love this app!!), stick to a schedule and routine

Q11: What would you say to someone who is about to start their lean journey?

Don’t be intimidated!! The workouts are tough and intense but 100% doable and you will continually get better and see results. Also, both the work out plan and the meal plan are sustainable and realistic long term. I “almost” signed up a couple of times, I had debated it for a couple months but kept making excuses or not being confident and was intimated to start because I didn’t want to fail. Just click SIGN UP! You won’t regret it, you will wish you had done it sooner.

Q12: What’s your favourite LEAN restaurant to eat out at?

Anywhere that serves good pizza and red wine ☺

Q13: Do you have a lean-cipe you’d like to share?

Breakfast Plate!... Not sure if this is Leanproved..but I love breakfast

  • 2-3 Slices of bacon (bake with a tsp of drizzled honey or maple syrup) (regular or turkey bacon.. turkey bacon is the healthier choice… ☺)

  • Scrambled eggs (1-2 eggs) with salt and pepper

  • ¼ cup diced sweet potato hash browns. Cook in pan with coconut oil, salt, pepper, rosemary

  • ¼ avocado sliced and served over eggs

If you haven’t had a chance, Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!! We release new content every week! Check out our latest video HERE


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUr2msgUGzI[/embedyt]


Fluffy Protein Pancakes


How to Lean-ify Easter