5 Tips to 'Getting Back on Track' in the Fall

Hey Squadies!!
We've all been there...

It's easy to lose track of your fitness journey, from following your diet religiously for a week and then break it with a little Whoopsie! We've all been there and it's completely okay because you deserve time to enjoy yourself!
These minor Whoopsies don't make you a failure; they make YOU human. What matters the most is that you're able to get back on the Lean-train track. It's easier than ever by joining our 30-day Lean Challenge starting this Monday!We all know that 2020-2021 has been a challenging year on multiple fronts but turning the page to a new year gives you a chance to review and renew your health and fitness goals. It's not always easy to get back on track, but it is possible if you commit to making a change. The transition into fall can be the perfect time to begin a new fitness challenge or workout program.

Are you ready to get back on track?Join the 7-day trial today!

Here are Five Tips that you can use to get back on track this season!

1. Create a Schedule and Stick to it

The easiest way to integrate workouts into your routine is by scheduling exercises like meetings you can't miss. For busy moms who are always on the go, I created a program to fit around your schedule; 5 to 30 minutes is all you need to get back to lean! Combining kid's playtime and workouts can be the perfect time to sneak in a quick LEANSQUAD workout.

2. Start Small

Remember, we all have to start somewhere; you don't need to do an hour right off the bat. When Brodie was getting back post-pregnancy she didn't try and start up right where she left off before the twins. She started small, focused on tiny little wins each day, and over time big changes started to happen!
We understand that a huge reason people get discouraged at the start of their fitness journey is that you try to do too much too soon, and it's demoralizing and hard on you and your body! That's why it's necessary to start small by pushing yourself during those initial 15–20 minutes, and you will see results. We also suggest giving yourself plenty of time to recover, rejuvenate and improve your flexibility through our weekly guided recovery sessions found through our LEAN challenge programs!

3. Get Back to the basics.

After a long summer, it's time to get back to the basics! It's important to remember never to push yourself too hard to get back on track. From beginners to workout pro's LEANSQUAD created a program catering towards your fitness level. Check here to join our 30 Day Lean Challenge starting this MONDAY. Our programs are designed to get your whole body moving, from full-body to legs and glutes, to arms and back, every day; we will target a different body part to burn fat, build lean, toned muscle, and maximize our results!

4. Find an accountability partner

The benefits of having a workout partner have been proven to have a higher retention rate. That's why LEANSQUAD has brought together a community of individuals who motivate each other to make fitness an essential part of their lifestyle. Unable to find an accountability partner, that's okay! Phil is with you every step of the way, motivating you throughout each workout!

5. Be Realistic

Change doesn't happen overnight! If you set a high goal and don't see immediate changes, you may get down on yourself and ask, 'Why even bother?' Instead focus on your mental changes, the endorphin rush, the energy you have after finishing your workout! Remember, you're not alone!Joining  LEANSQUAD not only provides you with life-changing workouts and mouth-water meals but an amazing Squadie community. Whether it’s our private chat group with 100’s of Squadies, your daily lean reminders, or constant workout inspiration, we hope to keep you stay motivated and empowered to get back on track towards your fitness journey!


It's Never Too Late to Get Back on Track!

Start your next challenge on the LEANSQUAD App, 7 days Risk-FREE!


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