Hallooooo me!!!

Hello!!! I am Phil Mackenzie, a born and bred Canadian, who through fortunate circumstances, hard work and a particular instance in which my father insisted I attend provincial rugby tryouts instead of a high-school party, became a professional, international rugby player and now founder of the leansquad!

For over 15 years, rugby and everything that comes along with it (food, exercise, training, and oh did I mention food?!?) has been my entire life! I travelled the world, played for some incredible teams, represented Canada at two world cups, and captained one of the first ever North American professional rugby team’s in San Diego, all while playing a game I loved.

Throughout my career as a professional rugby player, I was exposed to the importance of nutrition and exercise. I worked with some of the best strength and conditioners and nutritionists around the world. I always took a keen interest and strived to keep my body in top form so that I could play at my best.  I know what you’re thinking, it was my job to work out, of course I was going to be in top form. Well, that’s not true, have you ever seen a prop? It’s easy to let yourself go, even as a professional athlete and there are times when I certainly did this. The games are tiring, the practices are focused on skills, the days are long with team meetings and so forth, not to mention many of the calories you are consuming aren’t always good calories, especially when you are on the road traveling to away games.  Or after games, especially if you come off the pitch with a W (beers anyone??).

Each day, I would come home from training and EAT! I have always loved food and during my playing days one of my favourite pass times was eating. However, it wasn’t until later in my career that I realized that my eating habits (portion sizes, nutritional value, etc) were all impacting how I felt, both on and off the field.

So, one day I decided to make a change. I began making, healthier, leaner and tastier food choices to fuel my body and instantly I began to notice the difference. I was more energized (I gave up my daily nap), I was happier, and I got leaner!

Soon after, some friends from Canada reached out looking for some online training.  This was when the leansquad was born! All of my friends had full time, long laboring jobs and therefore I had to devise a plan that would work with their crazy schedules. So I began working with my friends on creating the original lean plan, tailored to each friend specifically that would allow them to combine eating healthy, tasty, lean foods with short yet intense bouts of exercise to get them lean.

It wasn’t long before they all achieved leanmazing results and wanted to carry on. So each month, new lean phases were created, and the squad kept growing. Now, here we are with over 100 squadies across the world! Each and every squadie fills me with a sense of pride and joy when I see them achieve their lean dreams.

Now, my lean mission is to inspire as many people as I can to get healthier and leaner. The leansquad is by no means a crash diet and instead, it’s goal is to guide and teach each individual squadie how to implement the lean life into their own lives, no matter their circumstances or history of fitness.

The lean-philosophy is simple. Eating should be fun and tasty and so to should exercise. Wether or not you are a new or old parent, work long hours in the office, or haven't been active for years, everyone can get fitter, healthier and leaner! 

I can’t wait to keep the leanness going with this blog and share even more lean ideas, information and lean-cipes each week.

Join the squad and let’s make the planet lean again!!!!

P.s. for the leanest updates, sign up below and make your inbox lean!


Baked Eggs in Lean-Cado (Avocado)