21 Day Lean Low Impact

The 21 Day Lean Low Impact Challenge Phase 1 & 2 is a low impact, jumping free, equipment free, lean challenge created to get your body, confidence and life back to its best in just 21 minutes.

This entire challenge is low impact so there will be no jumping at all! If you are post partum, recovering from an injury, or haven't been overly active in the past, this challenge is for you!

See below for a visual walk-through, challenge details, and to start your 3-Day Free Trial.

Challenge Walk-through

  • This entire challenge is low impact so there will be no jumping at all! If you are post partum, recovering from an injury, or haven't been overly active in the past, this challenge is for you!

  • This challenge is 6 weeks (two 3-week phases) in length with each workout being 21 minutes long.

  • Each phase is 21 days long where we focus on specific goals. As you work through the phases, you will continuously be more challenged.

    This challenge currently has 6 phases to progress through.

  • The 21 Day Low Impact Challenge consists of 5 bodyweight workouts per week and 2 recovery sessions. Each main workout is 21 minutes in length and each finisher is 7-10 minutes.

  • Day 1: Lean Ignition Full Body

    Day 2: Lean Leggies & Glutes

    Day 3: Rest - Stretch & Mobility

    Day 4: Lean Abs

    Day 5: Chest, Back & Arms

    Day 6: Leansanity Full Body

    Day 7: Rest - Stretch & Mobility

    *Each workout is 21 mins in length

  • Just yourself and enough space to workout!

  • Click the button below to start your 3 Day Free Trial.

    Once you are in the app, you will find the 21 Day Lean Low Impact under the Low Impact Challenges row.